joi, 23 septembrie 2010

Comunicat de presa trainingul international pe tema drepturilor omului “Play it Right!” in Targu Jiu, in perioada 25.09-03.10.2010

Asociatia Tineret si Dezvoltare Regionala va organiza trainingul international pe tema drepturilor omului “Play it Right!” in Targu Jiu, in perioada 25.09-03.10.2010.

Proiectul va implica 30 de participanti din 9 tari (Armenia, Estonia, Republica Moldova, Romania, Serbia, Spania, Turcia, Ucraina si Ungaria). Participantii (18-35 de ani) sunt tineri lideri reprezentanti ai minoritatilor din tarile participante sau persoane care lucreza cu tineri dezavantajati.

Acestia vor avea posibilitatea sa impartaseasca exemplele cele mai relevante privind protectia drepturilor omului din tarile lor celorlalti participanti intro atmosfera interculturala si dinamica.

Pe parcursul proiectului participantii se vor familiariza cu diversele metode folosite in educatia privind drepturile omului dar si cum sa le foloseasca in contextul si realitatile locale pentru a dezvolta strategii si activitati menite sa combata diversele forme de discriminare.

Acest proiect a fost finanţat cu sprijinul Comisiei Europene. Această comunicare reflectă numai punctul de vedere al autorului şi Comisia nu este responsabilă pentru eventuala utilizare a informaţiilor pe care le conţine.

DETAILS about the training “Play it Right!”, Romania, 25.09-03.10.2010

Youth and Regional Development Association is going to carry out the Intercultural training course in Human Rights Education “Play it Right!”, in Târgu Jiu, Romania, at the end of September (25.09-03.10.2010).

The participants will be familiarized with different methods on human rights education and how best to use it and adapt it to their local contexts and realities, to develop strategies and activities to address different forms of discrimination, having also the possibility to establish “Rights Bridges” between human rights education youth workers at European level.

The project will involve 30 participants from 9 countries (Ukraine, Republic of Moldova, Spain, Estonia, Turkey, Armenia, Serbia, Hungary, Romania) and will follow two main directions, on the one hand will be the input from the training team and on the other hand, the methods presented will be empowered by examples form each participating country that will bring an important intercultural experience to the project.

Profile of participants:

-18-35 years old

-representatives of minorities, youth workers and youth leaders especially working with minority groups, disfavoured youngsters and young people that are interested in developing activities regarding the concept of human rights education

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.’