Training course in Human Rights Education “Play it Right!”, Târgu Jiu, România, 25.09-03.10.2010
vineri, 24 februarie 2012
Daniel Gheorghe: The road for EU integration of Serbia, Cyrillic approaches. Stalin invented ”Moldovan” language, Serbia invents “Vlach” language Daniel Gheorghe: The road for EU integration of Serbia, Cyrillic approaches. Stalin invented ”Moldovan” nation and language, Serbia invents “Vlach” nation and language...
The Stalinist example of ”Moldovan” nation and language Stalin, during his terror over the eastern Romanian lands like Bessarabia, developed in the labs of the soviet communist party the so called “Moldovan” nation. This was in reality a fictive nation invented from political and anti-Romanian reasons. In order to understand they are different than Romanians, this new ”nation” needed to have a different language... and since they could not take Russian as mother tongue very fast, the Soviets propagated the idea that the language of the inhabitants of Bessarabia is ”Moldovan”...
The same ”scientific” technique -postmodern approaches Presently, in this postmodern and apparently free Europe this scenario is repeating. Serbia, a candidate for EU membership, neighbour and “historical friend” of Romania, is practicing a constant state policy of dismantling the important Romanian community from the Timoc and Crajna regions in Eastern Serbia.
There are after independent estimations more than 250.000 Romanian ethnics in Eastern Serbia called by the Serbs as “Vlachs”. The Romanian minority based in Eastern Serbia live in the same traditions, language, origin and legacy with their brothers from modern Romania. The purpose to call them “Vlachs” aims to identify them as other ethnic group than the one they are representing. The lack of fundamental rights is a cruel reality when we are speaking about the Romanians from Timoc region. Hunted by the Serbian state, forgotten by the Basescu’s administration of Romania, this minority is struggling for ethnic surviving.
Despite all the Serbian-Romanian treaties and despite all the assurances from the Serbian president and from the Belgrade Government that they plan to give all the necessary rights to Romanians in Timoc, the situation of those forgotten Romanians is getting worse. With all the commitments regarding the rights of minorities taken by the Serbian policy makers on the road to European integration, the reality of the practice on the field of dealing with national minorities is telling us a different story.
The invention of the “Vlach” nation using the old Bolshevik model is a significant obstacle towards the democratization of Serbia and a very unfaithful act on the relation with Romania, a country which has many political ties with Serbia and which has a long history of bilateral relations with this south-western neighbour. There are no “Vlach” people and there cannot be any Romanian language written with Cyrillic alphabet (“Vlach language”) .
More than this diversion with this fictive nation, there are other aspects of violating the international conventions on the protection of minorities such as the involvement of the state authorities in the issues of self-organization of the Romanian minority in Serbia. This illegal policy of forced control over the civil organizations is a proof that Serbia is still having big problems with breaking with the authoritarian past.
We think that the situation of Timoc and Crajna must be dealt as a European political issue and this unpleasant problem is necessary to be put on the attention of the European Parliament and Council of Europe. Meanwhile, on the process of ratification of the EU-Serbia association and stabilization treaty, the question of the rights of the Romanian minority from Eastern Serbia cannot be missed. The convention over this European issue should be a part of a separate addendum chapter of Serbian-Romanian relations besides the EU – Serbia association agreement.
We think that is the obligation of the Romanian and European authorities to take a stand on protecting minorities’ rights from Serbia. The Serbian government should understand that protecting the rights of Romanian minority, they are helping their own society in the process of reopening to the world and in the process of cooperation in the south Eastern Europe.
The “Vlach” term is a derogatory for “Romanian” and it is the duty of the Romanian authorities, of the Romanian Parliament and of the Romanian parties to understand that we have the moral right to convince the Serbian state that recognizing the Romanians as Romanians and not as “Vlach”, the opening of Romanian schools (or Romanian lessons in schools) and Romanian orthodox churches in Timoc , giving those people civil and cultural rights (such as access to mass-media in the mother tongue ) is a legal and moral “must”.
Daniel Gheorghe
Sursa: Romanian
Romanian “Lucky” Romanians: native speakers of three languages: Romanian, Moldovan (a Soviet fake), Vlah (a Serbian fake)
Romanian “Lucky” Romanians: native speakers of three languages: Romanian, Moldovan (a Soviet fake), Vlah (a Serbian fake). Serbia on the way to create huge diplomatic scandal with Romania
The National Council of the Vlah minority, which should represent the interests of the Vlach/Romanian minority in Serbia was overtaken by Serbian parties in 2009. More exactly, Serbian authorities have allowed and encouraged nonVlachs/nonRomanians to participate for this election. Thus, the Serbian parties were allowed to participate and took control of the Council. From that moment, the activity of the Council was directed for the replacemt of the Romanian language in Timoc Valley (a Romanian majoritary area) of Serbia with a new invention, the “Vlah language”.
Thus, at the beginning of 2012 the pioneers of this stupidity have created already a new alphabet that is ready to be imposed to the Romanians (Vlachs) in Timoc…
Soviet model
We all know that after ocupying the eastern part of the Romanian principality of Moldova in 1812, the Russian Empire and latter on the Soviet Union have continually tried to tell the inhabitants of this teritory that they are not speaking Romanian but Moldovan.
Now, there are still some remainings of this histirical clash:
-the Declaration of independence of the Republic of Moldova from 1991 sais Romanian is the state language;
-the Constitution of the Republic of Moldova from 1994 (modified by Agrarians -Comunists-) sais Moldovan is the state language;
The officials in the Republic of Moldova have also diffrent opinions about the same language:
-the prime minister speaks Romanian;
-the President of the Parliament (interim President of the Republic) sais he speaks Romanian from the schientific point of view and Moldovan from the political point of view;
-the leader of the Liberal Party from the governing alience sais he speaks Romanian;
-the communits in the oposition, the remainings of the soviet times, speak Moldovan;
-the Moldovan Academy of Science sais the language of the population of the Republic of Moldova is Romanian and any atempt to call it Moldovan is unscientific.
Transplantation of stupidity
So, as we see, imperialist times of Russia and the soviet ones have created a monster, the “Moldovan language”. A fake name of the language in order to assimilate the population... Due to intense propaganda, some still believe this stupidity.
But what it is even more absurde in the Europe of 2012 is that Serbia, a country that calls itself democratic and plans to European integration, a country that wants good relations with its neighbours, including Romania, a country that need to respect minority rights in order to get closer to its EU objective, this country alows and suports an agression against an important part of its population (the Vlah/Romanian minority) and promotes a scandalous relation with its neigbour Romania.
So, what we can do, is to “congratulate” Romanians for their historical ability to manage to speak their own language three times in one: Romanian, Moldovan and Vlah options, but also we can congratulate Serbia for its succes in restoring “Soviet democracy” after 20 years of its collapse and thus cutting any changes to get closer of the European Union in the near future...
George Cristian Popescu
Source: Romanian
sâmbătă, 18 februarie 2012 Russian Ambassador in Chișinău, Republic of Moldova, to start new diplomatic scandal
Valerii Kuzmin, the Russian Ambassador in Chișinău, Republic of Moldova declared that his country plans to open a Consulate in Tiraspol, in Transnistria, the unrecognized separatist region of the Republic of Moldova, reports.
Speaking with one representative of the unrecongnised Transnsitria, he confirmed that although Republic of Moldova is against this Consulate, sunner or later Russia will open it…
So, Should we understand that Kuzmin wanted to say that that sooner or later Russian Federation will recognize the independence of Transnsitria ?
Speaking with one representative of the unrecongnised Transnsitria, he confirmed that although Republic of Moldova is against this Consulate, sunner or later Russia will open it…
So, Should we understand that Kuzmin wanted to say that that sooner or later Russian Federation will recognize the independence of Transnsitria ?
Source: Iaşi to host a joint meeting of Governments of Republic of Moldova and Romania
The joint meeting of the Governments of Republic of Moldova and Romania is expected to take place in March 2012, according to the declararions of Vlad Filat, prime-minister of RM, reports.
The main infrastructure projects to be discussed during the joint meeting are the elctrical interconection line Fâlciu – Goteşti and the natural gas interconnection pipeline Ungheni – Iaşi. The decision to have the joint meeting in Iaşi was made after the prime minister of Romania, Mihai Răzvan Ungureanu, spoke yesterday at the phone with Vlad Filat.
Romania has regularly joint meetings with neighbouring countries or countries that have a special relation. The Governments of Romania and Hungary met in joint meetings five times and Romania – Bulgaria one time, last year.
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